i excused myself from the bed this afternoon. during our nap once the mama milkies were no longer needed and came downstairs to clean up a bit. our apt is in constant disarray. i can hardly keep up with it. i put something away and as i'm moving away from it, hayden is taking it right back out. he's quite the helper!
after just 4 minutes of being downstairs i thought i could hear some stirring upstairs so i quietly made my way up the stairs and as i made the corner i saw hayden eating a book. he sneakily eats so many book pieces that i'm certain one day he is going to shit out a fabulous story.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Moving on up!
Hayden and I got an apartment. It's really nice and I'm excited to move. A new beginning for us! We move in on June 14th!
Packing has been quite the adventure. Hayden is sooo helpful with taking out what i just put in the box :) I'm getting it done though, i've always been a great multi-tasker :)
Things are starting to look up. Up is the only way we can go from here! Hayden will finally have the happy mama that he deserves. Now, if we could secure a long term job we'd be good to go!!!
Packing has been quite the adventure. Hayden is sooo helpful with taking out what i just put in the box :) I'm getting it done though, i've always been a great multi-tasker :)
Things are starting to look up. Up is the only way we can go from here! Hayden will finally have the happy mama that he deserves. Now, if we could secure a long term job we'd be good to go!!!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
First Word

Hayden has been babbling like crazy for months, but he said 'ma maaa' yesterday multiple times AT me, not just experimenting with sounds. pretty much made my life. cue the tears and laughter. he's amazing.
hayden has also been scooting around on his biscuits for the past month which is really cute. can get to his tummy from a sitting position and can get on all fours....but he doesn't know what to do from there other than scream and grunt and since yesterday say "maaaa maaam" in a cute but whinysad voice. it's really too cute for words.
he has been doing the "milk" sign for about 3 weeks...and gets hysterical when i do it to him. sometimes it's a YAAAY hysterical and other times it's a bawling his face off hysterical b/c i'm teasing him.
he loves drinking out of cups but has no idea what to do with a sippy other than chew on it.
he would eat an entire magazine/book if i'd let him.
i knew that motherhood would be incredible and life changing...but i didn't know to what extent. i am so grateful and will never take this for granted.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day
Hayden is all over the place. He's sitting, rolling over, standing while holding onto things with a little added assistance. It's so amazing to watch him learn these things.
This monday he had his first bite of food...AVOCADO and he seemed to really like it. I wanted to wait until he was 8 months or so...but when i was eating it the other day he literally had a little tantrum over not having any. so i shared :)

needless to say..he keeps me busy. It can be tiresome..especially since i'm on my own, but it's so worth it. He is so amazing...every little smile, giggle, hair pull, nose grab..whatever...it is just incredible. And i always think to myself "today was so good, it can't get any better than this"...but it does...every day it just gets better and better. being a mother is the best gift. Hayden Michael, my little blessing!
This monday he had his first bite of food...AVOCADO and he seemed to really like it. I wanted to wait until he was 8 months or so...but when i was eating it the other day he literally had a little tantrum over not having any. so i shared :)

needless to say..he keeps me busy. It can be tiresome..especially since i'm on my own, but it's so worth it. He is so amazing...every little smile, giggle, hair pull, nose grab..whatever...it is just incredible. And i always think to myself "today was so good, it can't get any better than this"...but it does...every day it just gets better and better. being a mother is the best gift. Hayden Michael, my little blessing!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Cloth Dipes

I've wanted to do cloth dipes pretty much from the get go but have been waiting until Hayden wasn't pooping every 10 seconds. He's at the age now where poops are more spaced out and i wont be doing laundry every second of the day. We are doing Fuzzi Bunz for the most part and i love them so far and i think hayden does too! I
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