Hayden has been babbling like crazy for months, but he said 'ma maaa' yesterday multiple times AT me, not just experimenting with sounds. pretty much made my life. cue the tears and laughter. he's amazing.
hayden has also been scooting around on his biscuits for the past month which is really cute. can get to his tummy from a sitting position and can get on all fours....but he doesn't know what to do from there other than scream and grunt and since yesterday say "maaaa maaam" in a cute but whinysad voice. it's really too cute for words.
he has been doing the "milk" sign for about 3 weeks...and gets hysterical when i do it to him. sometimes it's a YAAAY hysterical and other times it's a bawling his face off hysterical b/c i'm teasing him.
he loves drinking out of cups but has no idea what to do with a sippy other than chew on it.
he would eat an entire magazine/book if i'd let him.
i knew that motherhood would be incredible and life changing...but i didn't know to what extent. i am so grateful and will never take this for granted.