Hayden was an ear of corn, the cutest i've ever seen!!! Hayden helped me hand out candy to the neighborhood kiddos while William was at class. The Thompsons came by to see Hayden as well. Hayden stayed in the costume for about 5 mins before he screamed to get out!
Hayden's growing like a weed! He's probably about 25 inches...14-15 lbs. His next WBV isn't until the 28th of next month so i'll find out then.
He's a giggling/smiling cutieface and i love him to pieces. He's almost rolling over on his own...he LOVES sitting up, though he can't do it on his own.
I also think that Hayden might be teething. He puts everything in his mouth and chews it..his favorite is my hand...my hands are covered in drool 97% of the day. :)
We are still co-sleeping. breastfeeding is going so well. it's hard to believe we had such an issue before. I seriously LOVE nursing. I had wanted to nurse right from the start, as soon as i found out i was pregnant but i didn't know how wonderful it was until we finally started. Such an intense bonding experience that words can't really describe. He nurses about every 2-3 hours.
I'm a huge fan of babywearing. I own two strollers and i think i've used them 3 times since hayden was born. i just think we both benefit so much more from the closer contact that wearing him provides. The neighbors are always commenting on how cute we are!
Hayden and i have been going on a lot of interviews these past couple of weeks. I put an ad on craigslist stating that i was looking to care for other children in their home or mine as long as Hayden can come with me. i've gotten a HUGE response...at least 20 replies. Nothing concrete yet. I'm watching a 2 yr old girl, Bella, a few days a week and might start watching a 19 month old boy named Rowan here and there until i find something full-time. His mom, Sarah seems really awesome and like-minded and hope that even if childcare doesn't work out, we can be friends and Rowan and Hayden can grow up together!!!
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