Friday, August 14, 2009


We went to check out another house today. Gorgeous but waaay out of our price range. I'm really liking the idea of the one in colchester.

We went for a bike ride and I'm probably going to regret it in the morning. not only am i out of shape...but we haven't gone in at least two weeks. mama will be feeling it, thats for sure.

hayden went on the potty twice today. both times was pee. he called me into the bathroom one of the times and i found him on the "beeeg people" toilet. So great!!!! we bought pull-ups this morning. I think that the underwear are intimidating to hayden, he got upset when it was suggested this morning... so we'll start slow with the pull-ups...they have that familiar diaper feel with the undies look. Totally taking his lead [as i do with most things] i don't want potty learning to be viewed as a bad thing.

Classic 2 year old behavior is on the rise. Full-on hitting going on. I'm reading up on gentle discipline so i know a good way to approach the situation.

We are working on phasing out the need/want for the pacifier. This has been going on for about two weeks now. It's been difficult. He has had the "need" for it a lot in the last 4-5 months, more than ever so it's been challenging. Hayden was without it all day today and only asked for it 3-4 times. Each of those times i was able to get him interested in something else. I think I'm going to try to do the phasing out gradually rather than cold turkey. Allowed only at bedtime...and nap time if he ever took one! Then we'll go from there...

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