Thursday, August 13, 2009


We started our morning with a nice long walk and came back to make a breakfast smoothie. Hayden put all of the fruit[blueberries, strawberries & banana] in the vita-mix, as well as pouring a bit of coconut milk and apple juice in. It was delicious. Hayden chose to drink out of a big cup with a straw and promised "hayden no spill"

We then returned bottles. We made $3.25, which hayden promptly put in his pocket. Off to buy big boy undies. Hayden picked out a Disney 6 pack. Nemo, Buzz Light year, etc.They are too big :( Kmart only had size 4s but once you promise the mister something you gotta follow thru. So i'll just have to pick up a smaller package somewhere else.

We then went to look at a house in Colchester. The home itself was pretty rad, but there was no yard and that's something we really want/need.

We met up with Cameron and Christine at the playground to discuss further employment. Not the greatest news. I hope it ends up working out. We were there a good 20 mins before they showed up. In the meantime, Hayden played with two 3 yr old boys. Monkey see-monkey do. Every little thing those boys did hayden was right beside them doing them too. Climbing and sitting on a rock. Running around playing "TAG", every noise, word, whatever the boys expressed Hayden did too. It was pretty awesome to see.

2-3 word sentences are being made more often. You can see the wheels turning inside hayden'shead...he is in such deep though ALL the time.

We are starting to do 123's and ABC's and he is pretty good at them. Whenever i say ABC today, Hayden will pause[wheels turning] and say "" :) :) :)

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